Common Myths About Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is a prevalent condition that affects the spine. It causes pain and discomfort for many individuals. Unfortunately, several myths exist surrounding this condition. They tend to cause confusion and unnecessary worry. Here are myths and the accurate information to better understand this condition.



Myth 1 - Degenerative Disc Disease Is Always Painful


A common myth is that everyone with degenerative disc disease experiences significant pain. Pain is a common symptom of the condition, but not all individuals with degenerative disc disease will experience it. 


Some people with degenerated discs remain asymptomatic or experience minimal discomfort. The severity and location of pain can vary from person to person. Also, lifestyle and overall health can influence the presence and intensity of symptoms.



Myth 2 - Degenerative Disc Disease Is Not Treatable


This condition is manageable. Various treatment options are available to alleviate pain and improve quality of life. It is impossible to reverse the condition, so treatment focuses on reducing pain. The physicians will also manage symptoms and improve spinal function. Nonsurgical approaches include:


  • Physical therapy

  • Medication

  • Chiropractic care

  • Lifestyle modifications


These are often effective in managing pain and improving mobility. In more severe cases, surgical intervention may be the best option. But it is typically reserved for those who have exhausted conservative treatment options.



Myth 3 - Rest Is the Best Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease


Prolonged bed rest is not a solution for degenerative disc disease. Excessive rest and inactivity can lead to muscle weakness and stiffness, worsening the symptoms. 


Regular physical activity and exercises strengthen the supporting muscles of the spine. These are also crucial for maintaining spinal health and reducing pain. Your physician can recommend safe exercises that are beneficial for your condition.



Myth 4 - Surgery Is the Only Solution for Degenerative Disc Disease


Surgery is not the first line of treatment for the disease. Most individuals with this condition find relief through nonsurgical interventions. Surgery is ideal when conservative treatments have failed to provide adequate pain relief. Also, it is helpful if there is a significant loss of function. Having a thorough evaluation and consultation with an expert is imperative. It helps explore all nonsurgical options before considering surgery.



Myth 5 - Exercise and Physical Activity Will Worsen the Condition


Some believe engaging in physical activity will exacerbate the condition, leading to damage. However, appropriate exercise and physical activity can help improve the condition. Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and promote flexibility. 


These include low-impact aerobic activities, stretching, and strengthening exercises. Consulting your physical therapist is crucial to determine the most suitable exercises for your specific condition.



Myth 6 - Degenerative Disc Disease Only Affects the Elderly



This condition is more common in older individuals, but it can affect people of all ages. Some of the things that contribute to the development of the condition at an early age include: 


  • Genetics

  • Lifestyle

  • Occupation

  • Previous injuries


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and practicing good posture will benefit you. Regardless of age, preventive measures to support your spinal health are essential.


For more information on degenerative disc disease, visit Frame Chiropractic & Acupuncture. Our office is in Toledo, Ohio. Call (419) 573-0077 to schedule an appointment today.

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