Why You Should Seek Chiropractic Care of Sport-Related Injuries

When you play sports, the physical demands are high. There is always a risk of injury in every game. The American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians knows how important immediate recovery is to a specific team or player. That is why chiropractic care is one of the primary means of treatment for injured players. Studies show that this natural means of therapy accelerates recovery. If you want to find out why you should seek chiropractic care for sports-related injuries, here’s what you should know.

Offers Drug-Free Treatment

It is ideal for athletes to have their sports injuries treated without using medications. They should be careful about what medications they take. Some pharmacological solutions may contain steroids that could affect their performance. What’s worse is that these medications could affect their blood test results in a negative way. This could lead to their disqualification. Chiropractic care doesn’t involve a heavy dosage of medications. Your treatment may involve taking occasional pain relievers. Doing so can maximize the results of your chiropractic treatments.

Provides Pain Relief

Your chiropractor can relieve your pain by making certain adjustments to your spine. The manipulations can correct your subluxations. They target the pains in your neck, extremities, lower back, and shoulders. With consistent chiropractic adjustments, you can come back from your sports injuries immediately. In just one or two sessions, your pain goes away, and you get back your optimal performance.

Chiropractic care can also reduce muscle and joint pain after every game, training, and practice. With the help of your chiropractor, you get immediate pain relief. Regular sessions can even prevent your pain from recurring. Spinal manipulations can take the pressure build-up from your nerves and their surrounding tissues as well.

Eliminates Stress

Playing sports can cause stress to your body. Your nerves, bones, and muscles carry a lot of pressure because of abrupt movements. Chiropractors can perform massages to soothe your body. They target your specific pressure points to remove the stress accumulating in them. You feel immediate stress relief the moment you leave your chiropractor’s clinic.

Enhances Athletic Performance

Spinal manipulations increase your flexibility. This can prevent your body from getting hurt. Regular sessions can treat your sports-related injuries. It can even prevent future ones at the same time.

Improves Coordination

Athletes must have excellent motor coordination. With it, they can give their optimal performance during every game. Spinal adjustments can realign your spine. This improves the lines of communication between your brain and nerves. Proper spinal alignment enhances your motor coordination.

Reduces the Body’s Wear and Tear

Repetitive chiropractic manipulations can loosen your muscles and spine. They can also reduce the limitations that continuous wear and tear can cause.

Playing sports can take a toll on your body. With chiropractic care, you can recover from your sports-related injuries more quickly. You can even prevent future injuries. At Frame Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we work with athletes like you in achieving quick recovery and optimal performance. Please visit our clinic in Toledo, Ohio, for an in-person consultation. You can also call us at 419-573-0077 for appointment scheduling. We can answer your questions about our treatment packages for sports-related injuries.

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